
Friday, March 11, 2022

Day 5 Sweet and Savory

 Today we met very early in the morning to drive over to King Arthur Flour in Vermont. There we met the chefs, Luke and Vicki and made savory pizza and a sweet cookie pie.

Paige - Today we went to King Arthurs Flour, and we worked with Luc and Vicki who helped instruct us on how to make a good pizza and a dessert pizza. After we made them, we ate them and they were very good !

Anna - Today we learned a new way of cooking. Instead of measuring our ingredients, we weighed them. it was very fun and innovative. overall a very good way to end the week.

Alex L.- Today we travelled to the best state in America, Vermont! We went to King Arthur Four and make delicious pizza.

Elise- Today we went to KAF to make pizza. The dough was really interesting and sticky but made amazing pizza.

Julia- Today our group did it all. We traveled to KAF in Vermont to make pizza. We not only made the pizza the "classical style" we also made dessert pizza. It was a great experience!

Jolee- Today, we all made our own savory and sweet pizzas. The dough was quick and easy to make and it came out delicious. The sweet pizza we made was a cookie crust topped with jame and berries. Overall. it was a great day!

Brigid- Today we went to KAF in Vermont for a cooking lesson. We learned how to make both regular pizzas and dessert pizza. Overall, I learned a lot as I had never made pizza dough before and the day was fun!

Tomorrow, Saturday we will make breakfast and prepare samples for our Project Symposium final product!

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