
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Moutain Biking

We just got done with an amazing day on the Moab Brand trails. One group biked a total of 19 miles on a mixture of beginner and intermediate trails, while another group tackled a few more miles at the end of the day on some advanced terrain.

This day was considered to be one of the most fun by many on the group. This is great considering it was also thought by many to be the hardest day of the trip so far. We've got many tired, (slightly) dehydrated, mentally drained students with sore legs, and to be politically correct, sore posteriors. The type of people who enjoy this type of masochism are exactly who this trip was crafted for. Both Craig and I feel so lucky to have these students on this trip.

The students learned various techniques used in mountain biking, such as pedal placement around turns, how to pick a line, when to commit and when to back off. I think many students also learned how hard mountain biking can be, especially when in direct sunlight all day.

We are going to go fuel up after this and then do some bouldering near the campsite. Hopefully we will also get some rest because the fun isn't over yet. Tomorrow we wake up early again and are off for a fun day on the river. It turns out the water has been rising rapidly here so we are bound to get some COLD white water. It should be a fun wet day on the river.

More pictures and videos coming soon.

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