
Friday, March 8, 2013

Announcement: Live, Laugh Die to be Premiered During New Hampton School's Project Week Symposium

The Making a Movie Project Week Group, in conjunction with Mr. Arsenault and Mr. Freeborn, is proud to present our short movie, Live, Laugh, Die, starring Ceci Jansen, Gracie Maganzini, Hilary Cashin, Joe Smith, Sidney Swormstedt, and Tory Miller.

The Premiere screening will be at 10:00am, Saturday March 9th, in McEvoy Theater. Bring your friends and be ready to be creeped out!

Meanwhile, it's been a couple of days since our last entry... a lot has happened. On Wednesday, we reached a low point, most of the footage had been filmed, but it seemed flat and weak when we viewed it. We learned a big lesson that day: music can make all the difference. We came back in on Thursday and, after a trip to Dunkin' Donuts to fill our bodies with tons of sugar and caffeine, we got to work on editing. Gracie, Grace, and Kevin jumped into the editor's seats and went to work cutting and slashing through the many scenes. Run and Will worked to find music that was good and creepy and would work for the scenes. After a long day, our feelings about the project had improved and we, once again, saw our vision within reach.

We started off Friday morning in Meservey with some last minute additional filming and Sidney Swormstedt found herself cast into the movie. We concluded that Madan and the rest of the basement of Meservey is even creepier than Lane, and it smells about as bad as the men's hockey changing room. We also concluded that Sidney can be very disturbing when she wants to be.

We are in the midst of finishing the movie and are waiting hungrily for Mr. Arsenault to return with awesome sandwiches from Beiderman's. Yum!

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