
Friday, March 7, 2014

Robot Showdown at 3:00 pm Today

The group leaders have set a deadline of 3:00 pm today to have robots prepared for competition. Here are the rules:

  1. Each of the six members of the team must take a turn driving the robot while it picks up a ball and places it in the beaker. The total time will be recorded.
  2. Each robot will be placed in the center of the horseshoe of desks. It must autonomously drive until it encounters a blue or red piece of paper. When it encounters a red sheet, it must turn around and then move in a small square. When it encounters a blue sheet, it must spin around twice and then play a happy sound. Time will be recorded for this task as well.
  3. Each time a member of the team touches or adjusts a robot (or its software) that team will incur a one minute penalty.

May the best team win!
Results will be on the blog in a few hours.

Here are the contenders:

And here is some code and some coders for the other team:

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