
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Mariposa: Day 6

At Play in Bonita, with our simply amazing guide, Sarah!

March 12th, 2016 is our group's last whole day in the Dominican Republic. Although most projects are already over back at New Hampton School, the Mariposa Foundation project has had another fulfilling day. In the morning, we had a sweet sleep-in until a 9 o'clock breakfast at the hotel with French toast, omelets, fresh pineapple and papayas. Then we headed to the Playa Grande beach, which is one of the most famous beaches on the north coast, with our lively DR music in the Guagua Taxi. The rain and wind did not stop us from going into the intense waves and having fun. The sun soon came out and we had another wonderful fried chicken, bean and rice meal at the beach. During the sunbathing time, some of our girls got corn rows from a local woman who uses her amazing braiding skills to earn her living. We also tried the Dominican handmade "cookies" with sweet coconut and milk/ginger/ peanut and chocolate. There was a middle age local man holding a big box of handmade jewelry, like bracelets with the DR flag, passionately selling his products. At first, we were bartering with him, but after our tour guide Sarah told him about the project we were doing, he cut down half of the price for all products and said thank you for doing this for my country. We again were impressed by the welcoming and friendly attitude in this culture.

Lunch of steamed parrot fish and fried chicken on the beach

After heading back to the hotel and having a shower break, we had another amazing dinner at the home of the Suriel Family. Margo and Freddy prepared chambre, a stew with rice, beans, potatoes, and squash. Grecia was very kind to make us fresh, hot peanut candy which was gobbled up in a few minutes.

Mr. Tyson serving the chambre

Grecia's hot peanut candy for dessert

We wrote a thank-you letter to our host family in Spanish but it was still very hard for us to say goodbye. We can't believe that the one week project is almost over, and we especially treasured our last day in DR before heading back home. But at the same time, we cannot wait to share what we have seen and learned in DR with our friends, families, classmates and teachers when we get back. 
- Amy N. '16

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